Friday, May 16, 2014


Almost a bit too perfect to seem real :).  These are the Chocolate Hills in the Bohol Province of Philippines.  There are as many as 1,779 hills spread within a 20 square mile area.   The hills are covered with grasses and ferns, and the valleys are filled with rice and other crops.  In the winter,  the bright green hills turn brown, hence their name, Chocolate Hills.  Today, it is a popular tourist attraction in the area and is a hopeful for consideration as a World Heritage Site.  The cone shaped hills are of similar shapes and sizes.  The limestone hills are about 98 to 164 feet high. The unique land formations were formed ages ago by the uplift of coral deposits and the action of rain water and erosion.  The grassy hills were once coral reefs that erupted from the sea in a massive geological shift. Wind and water put on the finishing touches over hundreds of thousands of years.
Legends tell another story of how these hills were formed.  The first story was of two giants who during a feud tossed large boulders, rocks and sand at each other.  The two giants became exhausted, forgot about their fight, became friends and failed to clean up their messy mounds. Another tells a sort of Arogo the Giant who was young and powerful.  Arogo fell in love with Aloya, however Aloya was a simple mortal. When Aloya died,  Arogos couldn't stop crying.  When his tears dried, the hills were formed. The next legend tells a story of a town being terrorized by the Giant Carabao. Carabao ate all of their corps.  The townsfolk placed spoiled food out for the giant to eat and he did.  His stomach became quite ill and he defecated large mounds of feces.  When they dried,  the Chocolate Hills were formed. The last is about a Giant name Miguel who ate everything in his path.   One day he witnessed a beauty girl on the plain and wanted to win her affection.  He was a bit overweight, so he excreted everything he ate.  Like the last Giant,  his fecal matter created the Hills, but he did win Adrianna's love.  I prefer the to visualize chocolate over dried mounds of poop.

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