Thursday, June 26, 2014

Would you know??


Stafford, England, oh noooo! How did you not know? James Billington had the entire town (including local businesses)of Stafford convinced that he was their mayor and all it took was a fake Twitter account. On March 8, 2014, James began his Tweeting. He posted pictures of himself preforming local ribbon cuttings (which he did!), radio interviews and various community events. James hid "I'm the Mayor" mugs around town making a bit of a treasure hunt for the locals. He even passed out "I'm the mayor" buttons :). Regardless of how over the top his act became, the locals continued to support and believe their 'fake' mayor. As all good things must come to an end, the Stafford Borough Council finally caught on to his antics and requested Twitter to shut down his account. The real mayor is actually a woman, Angela Loughran. James Billington is a comedian from Nottingham and has most certainly made a name for himself. Way to go James.. What can I say to the Stafford folks :)?


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