Saturday, July 5, 2014

Wildlife "Refuse"?

Maui, Hawai'i, O'ahu, Kaua'i, Moloka'i, Lana'i and let's NOT forget Midway Atoll.  All and all, Hawaii has about 31 islands, reefs and atolls that all need our attention.  The military history of Midway is quite rich, but the military is long gone.   Today, the island and it's remaining inhabitants are suffering more than ever before.
Midway Atoll is a territory of the United States and oddly enough,  it is a "National Wildlife Refuge" with almost 600,000 acres of land and water in the surrounding area.  Refuge might be a generous word,  I would tend to use the word REFUSE (garbage refuse).  Twenty TONS are garbage wash up on shore every year. Five of those twenty tons are fed to Albatross chicks.
In 2009, Christopher Jordan photographed the dire situation on Midway Atoll.  Nesting babies are fed bellies full of plastic debris. Unfortunately, the parent birds unknowingly collect garbage believing it is colorful marine life to feed to their young.  This leads to the death of tens of thousands (1/3 of total population) of Albatross chick each year as a result of starvation, choking, toxicity and internal damage.   Adult birds have a reflux to expel the garbage, but even so, their intestinal tracts are often filled with 50% plastic. 
It's amazing that these birds are suffering and yet live 2000 miles from the nearest continent.  Time for change!

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