Monday, June 9, 2014

Beautiful Family of India

It's in Delhi, India that you will find the world's largest albino family.  Albinism is just a genetic disorder that is rather rare.  It is characterized by the complete or partial loss of melanin or pigment of the skin and hair. Not only the skin of an person with albinism sensitive,  their vision is often impaired (sometimes severely).  This is the Pullan family who all have albinism  (Rosetauri, his wife Mani and their 6 children Renu, Deepa, Pooja, Shankar, Ramkishan, ,and Vejay).  Renu (their son) married an albino woman and their two children also have the condition. They all all of East Indian origin and without their condition, their skin would be much darker (as their eyes and hair).  The family not only deals with visual and skin problems,  they have suffered from great discrimination in their country.  They were originally from southern India but decided to move to the large, more accepting, city of Delhi. They are often mistaken as foriengers and called "angrez", which means English.  The family believes their condition is a gift from God.  The family of 10 will holds the record for the larges albino family in the world.  All ten family members live in a one bedroom flat and look forward to their upcoming recognition around the world.  I can only hope their new fames bring financial rewards. 




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